Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Batman: The Brave and the Bold #3

“President Batman!” – May 2009

Silver Age craziness abounds in this issue, which sees the caped crusader pose as the President of the United States to stop an assassination. The highlights, and there are many, include, a completely unnecessary guest star role for Green Arrow who spends most of the time posing as a secret service agent without ever removing his mask or Robin Hood hat, two real secret service agents freaking out over handing over control of the country and the military to anyone other than the president, but going ahead with it since it’s Batman, , a white house lawn luau, the best artistic rendering of a dude using a hologram projector to disguise himself as another dude that I have ever seen, and, last but not least, the origin of the Ultra-Humanite. Now, that last bit may not seem like a big deal, particularly in a story where Batman beats up dudes while disguised as the president, but how often do you see a cartoon tie-in comic tell the origin of a major bad guy. Usually that sort of thing is reserved the cartoon series itself and I was surprised and delighted to see it here, especially portrayed as it was as not the center of the story, but just another bit of craziness in an otherwise already delightfully over the top romp. My only gripe: the scene on the cover totally doesn’t happen and I, for one, really wanted to see Batman’s inauguration day.

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