Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mars Attacks High School #1

“Gene Genie” – May 1997

This issue is kind of a mess, but it’s really not the creators’ fault. You see, this story clearly takes place somewhere in the middle of a much larger story, despite the #1 of 2 emblazoned on the cover. As such, what one would think would be a lark about Martians attacking a high school, turns out to be mostly about the three-boobed chick on the cover and her pals, a little girl and a head, waging guerilla warfare on a Martian lab. It’s a shame, too, because, the story Dwight Jon Zimmerman and Hugh Haynes are telling, about an America that is now at least partially under Martian control and the often mutated refugees who are fighting back, seems pretty interesting and the high school portion is pretty fun, sexy, and gross, reading a lot like a comic book version of Troma’s Class of Nuke ‘Em High. I can see trying to track down a few more of these, but I wonder how many horny teens (remember: three boobies) bought this issue during the ‘90s glut, got confused as all hell, and never picked up another issue. Oh, well, I guess that’s why there isn’t a Topps Comics anymore. What’s worse is that this could be easily remedied by a “Previously in Mars Attacks” blurb or, you know, not slapping a #1 on the cover and implying that is the first issue of a self-contained, two-part story, but, again, that’s all editorial’s fault and not Zimmeran and Haynes’.

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