Friday, October 29, 2010

Gen13 #69

“Failed Universe”

Cover Price: $2.50
Bargain Price: $0.25
Cover Date: November 2001

Now this, on the other hand, was more like it. Actually written by Adam Warren this time (although the thing last time was entirely my own fault), it’s a surprisingly strong story, featuring Grunge, Roxy, and the Authority’s Swift. It seems some inconsequential villains have taken advantage of Grunge’s affair with Swift to introduce a virus into the Carrier, the Authority’s massive multi-dimensional transport. Grunge is forced to use his elemental absorption powers to become one with the Carrier, leading to a fascinating reverse Flowers for Algernon story that sees the usually dense and self absorbed Grunge (and eventually Roxy as well), suddenly preternaturally aware of himself and of the terrible way he treats Roxy, his supposed girl friend. The duo have a deep and terribly insightful conversation about their love life as they interface with the carrier and each other, resulting in a reflection on fickle teenage love that is far beyond what one would expect from what is customarily a raunchy teen super-hero comedy. Warren adds another layer by employing nonlinear storytelling, told in part by Swift after the fact and using Swift’s own callow attitudes to compliment Grunge’s journey in the issue. Yanick Paquette pencils the issue with a style that is at once sexy and in keeping with Gen13’s usual status quo and sophisticated enough to carry the more mature story, much as he did for Morrison’s Bulleteer. Somewhat surprisingly, it’s a hell of an issue and a complete 180 from #58.

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