Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Man of Steel #3

"One Night in Gotham City..."

Cover Price: $0.75
Bargain Price: 3/$1.00
Cover Date: November 1986

This may be Superman’s comic, but, brother, this issue is all about Batman. This middle chapter of John Byrne’s Superman origin reboot sees Batman and Superman meeting for the first time, while trying to stop an absurdly dressed killer named Magpie. Incidentally, Magpie, whose shtick is to steal shiny things and replace them with explosives, is the only bad part of the issue. Seriously, was the Joker busy? Anyway, Superman has come to Gotham to arrest Batman, but Bats convinces Superman to hold on and help with Magpie by telling Supes that if he even touches Batman a bomb will go off somewhere in Gotham, killing an innocent person. If that sounds out of character, just wait for the twist, which, honestly, is about as Batman as you can get. Batman continues to shine throughout the adventure. There’s some solid detective work and deduction, which, ironically, is often missing from Batman’s adventures, and a great little exchange with Superman about how saving the planet is one thing, but saving a city is something else entirely. As for Kal-El himself, since the story primarily serves to demonstrate to both Superman and the reader the validity of a vastly different approach to crime fighting, the man of steel actually does or says very little in this issue. The result is a fun little meta-commentary wherein Superman is basically the reader, sitting down to read his first Batman comic and learning what a badass Batman is, which is alright with me.

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