Friday, October 8, 2010

Sabrina, the Teen-Age Witch #66

“Zap Flap” “Potion Commotion” “Rabid Robots” “Goal Toll” “Accidental Fun”

Cover Price: $0.50
Bargain Price: $0.25
Cover Date: April 1981

Thank you, Sabrina, for restoring my faith in the Archie line and for introducing me to Dick Malmgren. Dick wrote and drew every story in this particular issue, combining a highly enjoyable art style with somewhat atypical stories, many of which eschew a standard three act structure for stories that just suddenly end without wrapping up any story points. Take for example the first story, “Zap Flap,” wherein the head witch depowers Sabrina while on a ski trip for overusing her magic. The story ends with Sabrina and her pal having a grand time snowed in with a pair of hunky boys, unconcerned at the loss of her powers and even failing to have them returned by story’s end. My favorite story in the issue and easily the weirdest for any number of reasons is “Rabid Robots.” Sabrina, her aunt Hilda, also a witch, and some dude go see a Star Wars rip-off movie, the amazingly titled The Empire Flips Out, and decide they need some robots. So Aunt Hilda uses her book of Ancient Robot Incantations (!) to magic up three robots who create havoc. It’s a cute, sometimes funny little story, punctuated by that pair of unbelievable panels, the idea of witches needing (and magically summoning) robots, and, best of all, a simple panel of Sabrina walking down the hall past a framed picture of Dracula. That’s right. Sabrina just happens to have a framed picture of Dracula in her hallway. ‘Nuff said.

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