Friday, October 15, 2010

Star Wars: The Bounty Hunters

“Aurra Sing One-Shot”

Cover Price: $2.95
Bargain Price: $0.50
Cover Date: August 1999

Aurra Sing as written and drawn by Tim Truman is a character I’d like to read more about. Despite first appearing in the Phantom Menace, she has a look and feel that ties her to the original trilogy’s galactic margins, that area of space just outside of the Empire’s control and ruled by smugglers, bounty hunters, and gangsters. It’s the part of the Star Wars universe we first see on Tatooine in the original film and which is home to anti-heroes like Han Solo and Lando Calrissian, who are sadly absent from the prequels. Unlike a lot of Expanded Universe characters, Aurra is not just a Han Solo also ran. She’s quiet, cunning, and ruthless with a code of honor and business that reminds me of Angel Eyes from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, albeit a sort of sexy female alien Angel Eyes. It’s a personality type not often done well in comics anymore, not to mention in the Star Wars universe, and one that can be difficult for the reader to empathize with, but Truman does his job expertly. The story itself is a fun globe hopping adventure that, despite taking place on Endor, Tatooine, Bespin, and Hot, mostly steers clear of the core Star Wars universe, allowing Aurra to exist in that same seedy world that is home to Han, Lando, Mos Eisley, and Jabba’s palace and which first attracted me to the Star Wars saga.

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